Musical Difusio [Web - HTML, CSS, javascript]

Website developed for Musical Difusió's agency. 

Musical Difusió was an agency that facilitated the recruitment of artists for festivals and local events. Therefore, the website was a really simple website showing artists images and plain text about artists descriptions. It was a good opportunity to enhance my HTML, CSS and javascript knowledge.

At the time I met the agency, they needed a redesign of the website and someone that updated its contents every month. As a result, me and a friend designer took care of the website. The website renewal was done in 5-6 months and then it was updated every month with new contents until the agency's closure, due to the economical crisis.

Dev. Period: Aug 2009 - Jan 2012 (2 years, 6 months)
Tech./Platform: HTML, CSS, javascript
People: 1 developers (me), 1 designer

Enric Macias Lopez Portfolio


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