Ameba Ownd

Working in CyberAgent I developed the Ameba Ownd App (iOS and Android). 

Ameba Ownd is a service platform to create homesites and blogs. The smartphone application is enhanced to easily create a new site, design your custom sections/pages, write new website/blog entrances, check your site status and read/find other user posts.

Dev. Period: Sep 2015-Nov 2018
OS/Ver.: iOS 9.0-12.0
People: 2 front-end developers (me), 3 back-end developers, 2 designers, 1 director, 1 producer
AppStore Link:

During my time there we improved the app conducting some qualitative usability tests, where I was in charge of the test planning and execution.

After the app renewal we decided to include a drawer menu binding some similar concepts. That menu was implemented entirely by myself.

Both app editors (page and blog/article editors) were remade from scratch by myself. Rebuilding the whole interface and adding new functionalities.

Should note that the text node in these editors is a WebView where the user writes and formats regular text, but is translated to HTML code simultaneosly.

The editors were optimized for a simple and write on the go use. 

During my time there I also developed a custom tab menu bar. Implementing this custom menu we were able to design an intuitive interface for the user to choose its site design. Consequently we optimized the user experience.

Enric Macias Lopez Portfolio


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